Thoroughbred investment group

Thoroughbred investment Group was established to buy and sell top thoroughbred racehorses. We focus on classic style athletes, horses that have the physical make-up and ability to compete at the highest level of thoroughbred racing.
Our clients include the Who’s Who in horse racing. Over the years we have had five or six people we would all consider to be pretty famous, as well as a lot of people who simply love the game. At the end of the day, our mission is simple: Introduce people to thoroughbred racing, buy/sell and race at the highest level, and have a good time doing so.
The slogan “Where We Turn Athletes into Champions” was established by the Thoroughbred Investment Group and remains an integral part of our mindset. We work hard every day to beat the bushes to find the best athletes we can for the right price. If you are looking for a top-quality athlete, it is a guarantee we know where to find them.
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